There’s no state in the country where Democratic and progressive organizers get a better return on their investment than Nevada.

It’s a presidential swing state; it’s home to a highly competitive Senate race; and three of its four House seats are competitive. That means almost every voter you reach has the potential to make a big difference in three races that matter for national control of our nation.

What’s clear is we have work to do to shore up the Democratic coalition in Nevada, which skews younger, heavily Latino, and frequently disengaged from day-to-day politics. It’s also a very transient state where a quarter of the electorate is new to voting in Nevada and needs an introduction to our candidates.

Re-Elect Senator Jacky Rosen ⋆ US Senate

Senator Jacky Rosen has only served in the Senate for one term, but she’s accomplished a lot during her brief tenure. She is one of the key architects of the landmark 2021 bipartisan infrastructure bill that delivered thousands of jobs to Nevada while fixing roads and making high-speed Internet more affordable. She’s an effective leader willing to work across the aisle, and she deserves to be re-elected.

Re-Elect Rep. Dina Titus ⋆ NV-01

It feels like a lifetime ago, but when the Great Recession and subprime mortgage crisis put our economy in freefall under President George W. Bush, no community was harder hit than Las Vegas. Then a freshman in Congress, Rep. Dina Titus was a clarion voice to help the afflicted, tirelessly urging Congress to act. She’s earned this seat.

Re-Elect Rep. Susie Lee ⋆ NV-03

Rep. Susie Lee comes to Congress with years of experience in our public schools. She knows that a quality education can transform lives for the better, and we need that kind of focus in the House of Representatives. Prior to joining Congress, she served as President of Communities In Schools of Nevada (CIS), a leading dropout prevention organization serving more than 64,000 students in 63 Nevada schools

Re-Elect Rep. Steven Horsford ⋆ NV-04

As Nevada’s first Black State Senate Majority Leader, Steven Horsford led the charge on an ambitious Clean Energy Jobs Initiative. Prior to that he led the Culinary Training Academy, Nevada’s largest job training program. In Congress, he’s been an advocate for affordable prescription drugs and direct relief to struggling families. For him, common sense gun safety is personal: his father was killed in a random act of gun violence, and he doesn’t want any other family to go through the trauma his family was forced to endure.