Pennsylvania has been one of the most important swing states in presidential elections for decades, and it has a proud history of electing Democrats to statewide office.

In 2022, we were proud to help elect Senator John Fetterman (the only Senate flip that election cycle), and we also concentrated our efforts in three of the most competitive House districts in the country.

This election cycle, the state’s incumbent Democratic Senator, Bob Casey, Jr., is up for re-election, and the state will once again be one of the most hotly contested states in the presidential election. This year, we’ve added a fourth House priority race: the 10th House District presently held by MAGA extremist Rep. Scott Perry, whose fingerprints are all over the failed January 6th insurrection.

Re-Elect Senator Bob Casey Jr. ⋆ US Senate

In 2006, Bob Casey, Jr. resoundingly defeated then-Senator Rick Santorum, removing a Republican proto-MAGA extremist from Congress, and he’s ably served in the U.S. Senate ever since. Senator Casey, the son of a legendary Pennsylvania Governor, has always outperformed other Democrats in the state, but we’re taking nothing for granted.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Dave McCormick

Say what you will about hedge fund executive Dave McCormick, he knows how to live the good life. His $16 million mansion includes a private waterfront resort, a 1,500 bottle wine cellar, and an elevator. Too bad it’s in Connecticut. McCormick is big on offshoring jobs and banning abortion and called the Dobbs decision that reversed Roe v. Wade a “huge victory.” We think it’ll be a huge victory when Senator Bob Casey sends him packing back to Connecticut, presumably on his private plane.

Re-Elect Rep. Susan Wild ⋆ PA-07

The first woman to serve as Allentown City Solicitor, Rep. Susan Wild ran a successful law practice before entering Congress. She’s a courageous fighter for the working class and a champion for the union jobs that built Pennsylvania’s middle class. She helped lead the charge to cap prescription drug costs, including insulin for diabetes, and she describes voting for the Lower Drug Costs Now Act as one of her proudest days in office.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Ryan Mackenzie

The modern Republican Party is no stranger to anti-abortion extremists, but Ryan Mackenzie gives the worst of them a run for their money. He voted for an abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest and calls himself “100%” anti-abortion. When he’s not busy interfering in health care decisions, he votes against raising the minimum wage, against investing in Pennsylvania’s aging infrastructure, and against enshrining workers’ rights to collectively bargain and join a union into the State Constitution. Just say no to this MAGA extremist.

Re-Elect Rep. Matt Cartwright ⋆ PA-08

Rep. Matt Cartwright was named one of the most effective House Democrats by the nonpartisan Center for Effective Lawmaking, and for good reason. He’s introduced more bipartisan bills than any other House Democrat and serves on the powerful House Appropriations Committee. He represents one of the most Republican-leaning districts held by a House Democrat, yet he’s stood with us time and time again, from infrastructure to voting rights to climate action.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Robert Bresnahan

When asked point blank if he would vote for a Republican budget that raises the age of Social Security eligibility, Robert Bresnahan responded, “I’m not in Congress yet.” We think District 8 voters deserve to know. Here’s what we do know: dark money organizations committed to big corporate profits and undermining health care benefits have flooded this district in an attempt to unseat Democratic Congressman Matt Cartrwight. They know Bresnahan is their guy, and that’s bad news for PA-8 if he wins.

Support Janelle Stelson ⋆ PA-10

Repeatedly named “Best News Anchor” in the Harrisburg area for decades, Democrat Janelle Stelson has been telling Central Pennsylvania’s stories for decades. She has a deep understanding of where and how people are struggling and what Congress can do to help. While her opponent remains entangled in January 6th insurrection investigations, she’s focused on what PA-10 needs: more affordable health care, better paying jobs, and quality schools.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rep. Scott Perry

Rep. Scott Perry played a central role in the efforts to overturn American democracy after the 2020 election. Among the numerous texts he sent to high-ranking Republican operatives plotting to overthrow the election was one asking the Trump Administration to invalidate the vote in Pennsylvania. We happen to think all voters in the 10th District deserve to have their vote counted in 2024.

Re-Elect Chris Deluzio ⋆ PA-17

A Pittsburgh-area native, Iraq War veteran, and voting rights attorney, Chris Deluzio is an impressive and inspiring candidate. We were proud to help elect him in 2022. After seeing combat in Iraq, he became a successful voting rights lawyer. Committed to worker rights, while serving as faculty and a cyber security expert at University of Pittsburgh, he helped the faculty form a union with the help of the United Steelworkers.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rob Mercuri

Pennsylvania State Representative Rob Mercuri is an anti-abortion extremist who co-sponsored a near- complete abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest. It would have sent doctors performing abortions to jail for up to seven years. In the State House, he repeatedly voted against workers rights, and he’s even called the Protecting the Right to Organize Act “anti-American.” He’s a corporate shill, but luckily, voters in PA-17 have a great alternative in incumbent Congressman Chris DeLuzio.