Earlier this year, we were proud to be a significant partner in helping enshrine abortion rights protections into the Ohio state constitution.

Building on this momentum, we are focused on re-electing Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown and the state’s three House Democrats in swing districts. In a state that has trended red in recent elections, Senator Brown and the Ohio Democratic Caucus are beacons of hope and a reminder that when we elevate strong candidates, we can win tough races.

Re-Elect Senator Sherrod Brown ⋆ US Senate

Senator Sherrod Brown was first elected to the state legislature in 1975, and he’s represented Ohio voters in one form or another ever since. He understands the political pulse of his state better than anyone, and it’s helped him win election after election as a proud pro-labor Democrat despite the state’s increasingly red trajectory. Ohioans are lucky to have a principled leader like Senator Brown, and we’re excited to fight hard and help him win.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Bernie Moreno

Back in 2016, Bernie Moreno called Donald Trump a “lunatic” and a “maniac.” Eight years later, he has sold his soul and gone full MAGA, securing Trump’s endorsement in a competitive primary election. These days, he embraces bogus election fraud claims and a national abortion ban. MAGA Moreno is a representation of everything that’s wrong with Trump’s Republican Party, and to hold the Senate, we need to do everything we can to defeat him.

Re-Elect Rep. Greg Landsman ⋆ OH-01

Previously a Cincinnati City Councilman and advocate for early learning, Rep. Greg Landsman defeated a 13-term Republican incumbent in 2022. This impressive feat shocked the Republican Party in Ohio, and defeating him will be one of their top priorities in 2024. Still, this is a district that Biden won in 2020, and with your help, we’ll help ensure that Landsman beats back whatever MAGA extremist comes his way.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Orlando Sonza

Orlando Sonza envisions America as “a place where there’s no abortions.” His support for a national abortion ban even extends to IVF treatments for couples desperate to start a family. When Activate America volunteers helped enshrine abortion rights into Ohio’s state constitution, Sonza called that a “sad day.” Sonza is so extreme, he’s even opposed to commonsense gun safety reforms like red flag laws and universal background checks. Let’s make Election Day a “happy day” by defeating Orlando Sonza.

Re-Elect Rep. Marcy Kaptur ⋆ OH-09

Rep. Marcy Kaptur is a force of nature. Representing a district that Trump carried by almost three points, she crushed her opponent in 2022, winning by double digits. Over her four decades in Congress, Kaptur has earned bipartisan support by proving that she’s a fierce defender of working families. We’re eager to help her win a 21st term!

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Derek Merrin

Derek Merrin is a landlord who once introduced legislation to remove mandatory lead pipe testing for rental properties. House Republicans dredge up a lot of extremists to run for office, but pro-lead pipe is a new low, even for them. In a state and district with a long and proud union heritage, Merrin voted as a state legislator for so-called “right-to-work” laws that are designed to weaken labor unions and collective bargaining power for fair wages and benefits. As you might expect, he’s also an anti-choice zealot, supporting legislation to ban all abortions, even in the case of rape or incest. He’s running in a district that Trump won, but luckily, we have a strong longstanding incumbent in Democrat Marcy Kaptur.

Re-Elect Rep. Emilia Sykes ⋆ OH-13

The former Democratic Leader of the Ohio House of Representatives, Rep. Emilia Sykes earned the trust of Democrats in her state before ever seeking a seat in Congress. Born and raised in Akron, Sykes is focused on creating economic opportunity and expanding access to affordable health care.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Kevin Coughlin

“I’ve either co-sponsored or voted for every allowable Roe v. Wade state restriction,” boasts Kevin Coughlin. With Roe v. Wade repealed, Coughlin is eager to enter Congress to roll back reproductive rights. When he’s not busy interfering with reproductive freedom, he’s working to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits, and even proposed replacing Medicare with a voucher program. “The benefits that people get are going to be cut,” he says. We can’t let this man get anywhere near Congress.