It’s almost impossible for Democrats to hold onto the U.S. Senate in 2024 without re-electing Montana’s Democratic Senator Jon Tester. It’s that simple.

Montana is a red state with purple impulses. While Republican presidential candidates have cruised to victory in most recent elections, Bill Clinton eked out a win in 1992 and Barack Obama came close in 2008. It’s also seen its fair share of Democratic Governors and Senators, including Jon Tester, seeking his fourth term to the U.S. Senate.

A third-generation farmer, Tester is also an effective representative, focused on delivering results on local issues that matter a lot to Montanans, like investing in rural communities, reducing the cost of housing, and addressing the fentanyl crisis.

It won’t be an easy election, but working with local partners on the ground, we are committed to doing our part to re-elect Senator Jon Tester.

Re-Elect Senator Jon Tester ⋆ US Senate

First elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006, Jon Tester stands up for workers and affordable healthcare while representing an increasingly red state. Tester is the Chair of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, where his work has ensured that the VA is delivering the best possible care to people who have served in our nation’s military. We’re excited to help re-elect Tester so that he can continue serving the great people of Montana.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Tim Sheehy

Tim Sheehy calls himself a “Montana rancher”, but as best anyone can tell, the property is mostly used for splashy magazine covers and “brand collaborations.” He also got shot and weirdly lied about it, telling a Park Ranger he shot himself in the park while telling the press that he was shot in Afghanistan. Lying is a common pattern with this guy. He also claimed to grow up rural and poor, while actually living in a wealthy St. Paul suburb and inheriting a sizable fortune. There’s a common sense rule in politics and life: if they lie about the small stuff, they’ll lie about the big stuff too. Here’s the truth: Montana is already represented by an exceptional and experienced Senator: Jon Tester.