You may think of California as a Deep Blue state, and for purposes of the presidential election, that’s true. However, California also had some of the most disappointing House outcomes in the 2022 election cycle.

When it comes to controlling the House, California is one of the most important swing states in 2024, and we have an impressive field of candidates who are running strong campaigns.

California as a whole is unreceptive to MAGA extremists, but multiple Republicans have squeaked into the California House delegation, often pretending to be moderates while embracing extreme positions on abortion, climate denialism, gun safety, LGBTQ+ rights, and even certifying the presidential election.

Support Adam Gray ⋆ CA-13

Former State Assemblymember Adam Gray is the right candidate for CA-13. Born and raised in Merced, some of his earliest days were spent working at his family’s dairy supply and feed store. In the Assembly, he founded the California Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan coalition that worked on building consensus solutions around homelessness and the drought. To tackle the Central Valley’s critical doctor shortage, he secured the resources to establish a joint medical school at UC Merced and UCSF-Fresno, and he passed legislation to double the operating hours of rural health clinics.

With this proven track record of helping people, he’s ready to get to work in the Halls of Congress

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rep. John Duarte

Rep. John Duarte’s narrow victory in 2022 represented a master class in avoiding tough issues and staying out of the limelight. Now in Congress, he’s proven he’s in lockstep with MAGA extremists that dominate the Republican Party. In a district that Biden won by more than 10 points, that makes him extremely vulnerable.

Support Rudy Salas ⋆ CA-22

A lifelong Central Valley resident, Rudy Salas worked his way up from working in the fields to being the first Latino to serve on the Bakersfield City Council. Serving 10 years in the State Assembly, he secured increased funding for public safety, expanded services for veterans, and clean water infrastructure. Reflecting his focus on improved health care and quality of life for Central Valley residents, he helped direct millions of dollars to expand Central Valley nursing programs, create cooling centers for residents exposed to high heat, and helped save Kern Medical Hospital. He’s focused on what matters most to the Valley and will be a voice for the unheard in Congress.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rep. David Valadao

We helped defeat Rep. David Valadao in 2018 before he came crawling back. With your help, we can defeat him again. He represents a district that overwhelmingly votes blue at the top of the ticket.

Cook Political Report ranks this race a toss-up, with your help we can oust Valadao.  Check out our candidate info sheet for more information on this race.

Support George Whitesides ⋆ CA-27

For George Whitesides, the sky isn’t even the limit. The former Chief of Staff for NASA and the first CEO of Virgin Galactic, space was once his final frontier, but now it’s Congress. Whitesides is a dedicated philanthropist who has worked to solve what may be California’s most existential threats: mega-fires made worse by the climate crisis. He has also worked to bring good jobs to the Antelope Valley and to help underprivileged students in the Antelope Valley Union High School District.

Whitesides will bring a can-do spirit to the House, focused on the most important challenges facing America.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rep. Mike Garcia

MAGA extremist Rep. Mike Garcia has the dubious distinction of voting with the insurrectionists to overturn the presidential election despite representing a district that Joe Biden comfortably won. He’s far too extreme for CA-27, and we will defeat him in 2024. Gun violence is an ever increasing problem, yet Garcia boasts a 92% rating from the NRA.

The Cook Political Report ranks this race a tossup, and with your help we can oust this MAGA republican who does not represent the values of his constituents.

Support Will Rollins ⋆ CA-41

You’ll often hear us say that “candidate quality matters,” and Will Rollins is the textbook example of this. When he ran for Congress in 2022, at first few people gave him much of a chance. He was running in a district that Trump won in 2020 yet Rollins came tantalizingly close to winning. A former federal prosecutor focused on counterterrorism and an out and proud gay man looking to represent the district that includes Palm Springs, Rollins is strongly positioned to achieve the upset of 2024.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rep. Ken Calvert

Ken Calvert is an anti-LGBTQ+, anti-immigrant, anti-gun safety extremist who voted against certifying the 2020 election even after the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. He is complicit in the attacks on our democracy that day, and there’s nothing more appropriate than to harness that democracy to oust him from office.

We are working to turn his narrow victory in 2022 into a tremendous defeat in 2024.

Support Derek Tran ⋆ CA-45

Derek Tran is an Army veteran, consumer attorney, city commissioner, and small business owner. To say that Tran believes in the American Dream is an understatement. Tran’s parents were refugees from Vietnam who left everything behind to give Derek a chance at a better life. They opened a corner market where Derek worked before enlisting in the Army. Derek is 100% pro-choice, and he’s pledged to fight back against MAGA attacks on Social Security and Medicare.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Rep. Michelle Steel

This is a Biden district, but Rep. Michelle Steel votes like a MAGA extremist. Opposed to common sense gun safety laws and environmental protection, she’s out of touch. With your help, we’ll make sure she’s also out of office.

Support Dave Min ⋆ CA-47

Elected to the State Senate in 2020, Dave Min is the Democratic choice to replace Rep. Katie Porter, who endorsed him before her U.S. Senate run created an open seat in the highly competitive 47th District. Luckily, Min is ready and able. He’s helped create 28 laws, including ones enshrining abortion rights into the State Constitution, expanding protections for domestic abuse survivors, and acting with urgency to address the climate crisis. Min is ready to carry on Porter’s legacy as a strong consumer advocate, but first, we need to make sure he keeps CA-47 blue this November.

➟ OUR OPPONENT: Defeat Scott Baugh

In 2022, Republican Scott Baugh ran against Rep. Katie Porter and lost. He’s back, but once again, his checkered past is sure to raise more than a few eyebrows. He was indicted on federal charges for manipulating election results and served as the Chair of the Orange County Republican Party when as many as 600 Orange County residents had their party registration changed to Republican without their consent, leading to 12 arrests. As if that isn’t bad enough, he also supports a national abortion ban.