Amplify: Meet the Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson
After 22 days of chaos, the Republicans have finally rallied around one candidate and elected a new Speaker of the House–Rep. Mike Johnson.
Johnson is about as bad as they come. He is a far-right MAGA extremist who opposes abortion care, common sense gun safety legislation, and modern climate science. Johnson is one of Trump's trusted allies who led the charge in trying to overturn the 2020 election results.
This is what happens when Republicans are in control. Let’s fight back with a Blue Wave in 2024.
One of Trump’s inner circle, Johnson spearheaded the efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and tweeted that we must “fight for election integrity” on the morning of the January 6th insurrection.
He has expressed support for impeaching President Joe Biden, including Rep. McCarthy’s move to launch an impeachment inquiry with no House vote.
Rep. Johnson proposed a $2 trillion cut for Medicare, $3 trillion to Medicaid and ACA, and $750 billion to Social Security.
Has worked to further anti-LGBT legislation, warning that legalizing gay marriage is “inherently unnatural” and will open the door for acceptance of pedophilia.
Supports a nationwide abortion ban and Rep. Johnson said Roe v. Wade prevented “able-bodied workers” from being born which hurt the U.S. Economy.
Rep. Johnson believes in ending no fault divorce, forcing people to stay in unhealthy relationships
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